
Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday 56: Week 20

* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions
on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
Post a link along with your post back to this blog and to Storytime with Tonya and Friends at
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

Here's mine:

"Innovation might save lives and yet at the same time cost lives. Medicine in general is geared toward caution. First, do no harm. And yet, our greatest learning comes not from never failing, but in learning from our mistakes, rising up every time we do fail."

- Cheating Death: The Doctors and Medical Miracles that Are Saving Lives Against All Odds by Sanjay Gupta

Book Review of Fierce Style: How To Be Your Most Fabulous Self by Christian Siriano

Fierce Style: How to Be Your Most Fabulous Self
I don't watch Project Runway, so I wasn't familiar with Christian Siriano although I recognized who he was and had actually seen him walking around West 14th St. But I have a few acquaintances who are fond of Project Runway, so I was curious to see why Christian Siriano was so popular. When offered the chance to review his Fierce Style: How to Be Your Most Fabulous Self, I readily signed up.

Not being familiar with Christian, I wondered whether it would be self-congratulatory and smug. It isn't. Instead, Christian is encouraging and funny. Fierce Style is chatty and full of Christian's personal approach to dressing and style. He's quick to share the fashion mistakes that he'd made as he developed his own style. Instead of name-dropping, Christian comes up with suggestions of designers, stores, magazines, and ways of looking at fashion, Fierce Style is accessible, helpful, and a fun read.

The book itself is divided into four parts: "Lady, You Look Fabulous," "Finding Your Inner Ferocia," "Everyday is a Runway... Work It," and "Inspire Me." I liked the first part of the book best. In Lady, You Look Fabulous, Christian guides you to avoid pitfalls, to identifying what works for you and to developing your signature look. He gives a range of items and designers in different price points. His tone and his advice sort of reminds me of the advice I'd get from my fashionable cousins and friends. I also liked the lists that Christian would weave into the book, such as, "Easy Ways to Fab Up Your Outfit" and his "Top 10 Dream Pieces (and their corresponding Reality Pieces)."

Overall, Fierce Style is a fun and helpful read.

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing (October 5, 2009), 258 pages.
Review copy provided by the publisher.

If you'd like to win this book, sign up for the giveaways at

Red Lady's Reading Room
- ends 11/30
Bookin' With Bingo - ends 11/29

Thank you to Anna and Hatchette Book Group for this review opportunity!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Book Blog Tour of A Courtesan's Scandal by Julia London

A Courtesan's Scandal
The blurb:

Kate Bergeron is the beautiful and mysterious former mistress of a cloth merchant. . .and the latest beauty to capture the interest of the Prince of Wales. Mired in a disastrous divorce, the Prince attempts to distract attention from his next amorous pursuit by ordering Grayson Christopher, the eligible Duke of Darlington, to pretend to London society that he is having an affair with Kate. When Grayson reluctantly agrees to his Prince's demand, he finds the lady no more willing than he is. Kate will grudgingly act the part in public, but her favors are not for sale to any man. As Grayson and Kate mimic ardor for the world to see, they find what started as a deception becoming all too real. And when passion flames into love, their predicament becomes extreme. For while marriage between a duke and a courtesan could never happen, Kate knows in her heart that she is willing to accept nothing less. . . .

A Courtesan's Scandal is a fun, lighthearted romance with almost old fashioned leading characters.

Julia London sets up the conflict beautifully. While the attraction between Kate Bergerson and Grayson Christopher, the Duke of Darlington, is clear from the start, they come into the situation with their own prejudices. It's these prejudices that slow down the romance and make the book enjoyable. We gradually learn that Kate Bergenson has come from the lowest possible background and has a horrible past and yet she somehow remains untouched by it. In fact, Kate is so generous that she comes across as a bit of a soft touch. It's easy to sympathize with Darlington when he suspects the worst of her - he is forced into the pretense and expected that she was a willing party. The story picks up when Darlington slowly comes to learn more about Kate Bergenson and treat her with respect. Julia London is masterful in her build up of the characters and increasing the tension in the plot.

If you are looking for a fun regency romance with an old fashioned sensibility, you are sure to enjoy A Courtesan's Scandal.

Publisher: Pocket (October 20, 2009), 384 pages.
Review copy provided by the publisher.

About the Author, courtesy of her website:
Julia London is the New York Times and USA Today best selling author of more than a twenty romantic fiction novels. She is the author of the popular Desperate Debutante and Scandalous historical romance series, as well as several contemporary romances, including American Diva, the very popular tie-in novel to the daytime drama, Guiding Light: Jonathan’s Story, and the upcoming Summer of Two Wishes

Julia is the recipient of the RT Bookclub Award for Best Historical Romance and a four-time finalist for the prestigious RITA award for excellence in romantic fiction. She lives in Round Rock, Texas, with her husband. To keep up with all the Julia London news and excerpts, please visit

Participating Sites:
Frugal Plus:
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Books Reviews by Buuklvr81:
Book Soulmates:
I Read:
Starting Fresh:
Book Junkie:
Drey’s Library:
Just Another New Blog:
Keep on Booking:
My Reading Room:
My Book Addiction and More:
The Life (and Lies) of an Inanimate Flying Object:
Book Magic:
Seductive Musings:
Luxury Reading:
The Eclectic Book Lover:
My Own Little Corner of the World:
Cheeky Reads:
Poisoned Rationality:
The Bibliophilic Book Blog:
Entertainment Realm:

Thanks so much to Sarah and Pocket Books for this review opportunity!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Book Review of Tall, Dark & Fangsome by Michelle Rowen

Tall, Dark & Fangsome (Immortality Bites, #5)
The blurb:

Sarah Dearly's vampire life is not all B-positive cocktails. A curse made her a nightwalker, the most vicious vamp there is; the charm she wears to curb her deadly tendencies is losing its juice; and a hunter from hell is turning up the heat. Gideon Chase will kill the ones she loves most if she doesn't obey his orders. That includes breaking up with master vampire Thierry and turning Gideon into an immortal vamp so he can escape a doom of eternal hellfire.

Making things worse are Sarah's growing feelings for Gideon, a bad boy who keeps showing a vulnerable side. . .but is it for real? Will Sarah's dark side take over? Or can she cure herself of the nightwalker curse in time to stop Gideon and finally live happily ever after with Thierry. . .forever?

Lighthearted and fun, Tall, Dark & Fangsome effectively mixes romance with vampire paranormal action. It's my first time to read any of the Immorality Bites series and I found the book to be an enjoyable read. The vampires and the slayers are entertaining and the plot full of twists. This series isn't as graphic or gory as some of the other vampire series - which I liked. Overall, a fun escape!

Publisher: Forever (September 1, 2009), 352 pages.
Review copy provided by the publisher.

Thanks so much to Anna and Hatchette Book Group for the review opportunity!

Book Review of The Art of Meaningful Living by Christopher F. Brown, LCSW, MBA

The Art of Meaningful Living
The Art of Meaningful Living by Christopher F. Brown may appear like a beautiful coffee table book, but it isn't. There are attractive and interesting illustrations but book's strength is in its text. The book is divided into five main sections: Start, Wisdom, Action, Resilience, and The Art of Meaningful Lives. The sections of the book are organized according to the change process. The Wisdom section contains the preparation that you need before change can happen. Action covers behaviors that can help you move towards your meaningful life each day. Resilience helps you battle avoidant behavior and return to your goals. While the last section, The Art of Meaningful Lives contains profiles of people who are successfully living their passions.

It may be that I'm reading it during a time of uncertainty and change, but I found the book personally helpful and wish that I could share it with several close friends and relatives that are going undergoing upheavals in their own lives.

In Start, Brown writes about highly functioning individuals that are successful but have a sense that "this is not how things are supposed to be" and wonder "Where did the excitement and passion go?" He describes such a life as one of quiet desperation and contrasts it with "meaningful lives with personal fulfillment and passion." Surely, most of us has felt that our jobs or lives have lacked passion and personal fulfillment. For this reason, I believe that the book speaks to a broad range of people.

Out of all the sections of the book, I found Wisdom to be the most helpful and would like to focus on this section of the book for my review. In Wisdom, Brown provides ways to build self-awareness and exercises to help develop mind management skills. Brown suggests that we begin by building self-awareness, countering negative self-talk with positive back chatter. He proposes this exercise: count the times that you put yourself down or make a negative self-assessment during the day. As you notice the negative self-talk, assign a new meaning and counter the negativity and be kinder to yourself. Replace the negative statement with something positive - you may have to tap into the group of people that have supported you throughout your life (mentors, family, friends, colleagues who know you) and think of what they would say to the question, "What are all of the good things about me?" Each time that you criticize yourself, imagine the supportive person chiming in and countering the criticism with several compliments. Develop the compliments, be honest and revel in your strengths, celebrate them instead of being uncertain or embarrassed. Commit these compliments to memory so that you can respond with them often.

Brown encourages us to identify the patterns that hold us back from living meaningful lives. He also points out several important mind management skills. "Notice" - neutrally observe your experiences for what they are, just observe the facts and the products of your mind (feelings, thoughts, memories, sensations, and urges) so that you can have them but not automatically believe them. "Reflect" by being curious instead of judgmental - ask yourself what is causing the response instead of reacting in a self-critical way. Try to see the situation from different points of view, how would your partner, mother, therapist, best friend, colleague see the experience? Consciously "assign meaning" and choose what the experience means based on which interpretation would work best for you. "Pause" and take the time to collect your thoughts and feelings before choosing your response to difficult or anxiety inducing situations.

We all recognize that decisions may involve the rational mind or the emotional mind or both aspects together. Brown cites psychologist Marsha Linehan, PhD, who characterizes the use of both the rational and emotional aspects of thinking as "using your wise mind." Brown encourages us to use the "wise mind skill" by focusing on a particular question (i.e., what is causing this response, is this the right response for me, etc.) while noticing your breathing.

Here is another helpful exercise that helps develop the wise mind: Hone your wise mind through asking the question while doing breathing exercises. Ask yourself the question as you inhale, listen for the answer as you exhale. Even if the answer doesn't come to you right away, the process of reaching for the answer and the breathing exercises give you time to process the question using different levels of consciousness.

The Art of Meaningful Living struck me as both interesting and helpful. I recommend the book in large part because of the exercises that encourage mindfulness and mind management skills. While some of the skills and advice may be familiar, it helps to have them written out and explained, after all, the development of the wise mind skills and mindfulness comes in large part from the practicing of these skills.

Publisher: Synergy Books (September 1, 2009), 128 pages.
Review copy provided by the publisher.

About the Author, courtesy of the publicist:
Christopher F. Brown, LCSW, MBA, currently resides in Houston, where he has a private psychotherapy practice. A native of Louisiana, he earned his bachelor's degree from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, and earned both his MBA and his Master of Social Work from the University of Houston. A licensed clinical social worker, Brown offers psychotheraphy services to individuals, couples, and families.

Brown is a fellow of the Houston Galveston Psychoanalytic Institute and Menninger Clinic and Baylor College of Medicine. He is a former facilitator of support groups for the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) of Greater Houston, and is a current trainer and speaker for DBSA.

After the death of his mother, Brown turned to writing as a creative release to deal with his feelings of pain and grief. He recently joined John Palmer to create The Art of Meaningful Living, a coffee-table book that offers a framework for navigating significant life changes through a combination of psychologically based techniques and provocative abstract artwork. The tools offered in the book are based on principles that helped Brown navigate his own life change, as well as those that he uses in his psychotherapy practice.

About John Palmer, courtesy of the publicist:
Artist John Palmer's career began over a decade ago when he turned to art as a method of coping with the unexpected death of his father. Painting allowed Palmer to release the inner grief, frustration, and pain he felt after his father's untimely death, and is a major factor in his contribution to The Art of Meaningful Living.

Although for the most part self-taught, Palmer has studied art professionally at the Santa Reparata International School of Art in Florence, Italy; has studied under Robert Venosa in Cadaques, Spain (the former home of Salvador Dali); and worked with Master Painter Philip Rubinov-Jacobson in the Austrian Alps. His art has appeared in The Houston Chronicle, Inside Houston, The Voice, Outsmart, Prime Living Magazine, Houston Modern Luxury, PaperCity Magazine and on Fox News. His current projects include a new series entitled "Notable Biographies," featuring his collage style.

Visit for more information.

Thank you so much to Christopher Brown, Abi and Phenix & Phenix Literary Publicists for this review opportunity!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Winners of The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

Winners of The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

elaing8 dorian - confirmed
morceaudelalune - confirmed
alannakurt - confirmed
lizzi0915 - confirmed
kimikaio - confirmed

Congratulations! I've emailed the winners and they have until 6 pm on Thursday to respond. Thanks for participating! Thanks so much to Valerie and Hatchette Book Group for sponsoring this giveaway!

Winners of The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova

Winners of The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova

ryspenc - confirmed
easagredo - confirmed
beapangilinan.0921 - confirmed
tony - adochains - confirmed

Congratulations! I have contacted the winners and they have until 6pm on Thursday to send their mailing addresses. Thanks for participating! Thanks so much to Valerie and Hatchette Book Group for sponsoring the giveaway!

Winners of Connected by Nicholas Christakis MD, PhD and James Fowler, PhD

Winners of Connected by Nicholas Christakis MD, PhD and James Fowler, PhD

bea bp - confirmed
joyce jg - confirmed
chrismejia - confirmed
danunepthys - confirmed
margaretdotuy - confirmed

Congratulations! I've emailed the winners and they have until Thursday evening to send me their mailing addresses. Thanks for participating! Thanks so much to Anna and Hatchette Book Group for sponsoring this giveaway!

Winners of Show No Fear by Marliss Melton

Winners of Show No Fear by Marliss Melton

throuthehaze - confirmed
copperllama - confirmed
mce1011 - confirmed
janie1215 - confirmed
jrobe10689 - confirmed

Congratulations! I've contacted the winners and they have until 6 pm on Thursday to send their mailing addresses. Thanks for participating! Thank you so much to Anna and Hatchette Book Group for sponsoring the giveaway!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Winners of Simon's Cat by Simon Tofield

Winners of Simon's Cat by Simon Tofield

cabadov - confirmed
ssummmer - ys - confirmed
booklover0226 - confirmed
librarygrinch - confirmed
linda - confirmed

Congratulations! I've contacted the winners and they have until noon on Wednesday to send their mailing addresses. Thanks for participating! Thanks so much to Anna and Hatchette Book Group for sponsoring this giveaway!

Winners of Supreme Courtship by Christopher Bucikley

Winners of Supreme Courtship by Christopher Buckley

jacquecurl1 - confirmed
Socmom213 - confirmed
bgcchs - confirmed
enyl tony - confirmed
walkermisc - confirmed

I've emailed the winners and they have until noon on Wednesday to send me their mailing addresses. Thanks for participating! A huge thanks to Valerie and Hatchette Book Group for sponsoring this giveaway!

Winners of A Highlander's Temptation by Sue-Ellen Welfonder

Winners of A Highlander's Temptation by Sue-Ellen Welfonder

gcwhiskas - confirmed
scarpettajunkie - Vanduzer1 - confirmed
bgcchs - confirmed
Misty - mbradenwf - confirmed
cindyc725 - confirmed

I've emailed the winners and they have until noon on Wednesday to send me their mailing addresses. Thanks for participating! Thanks again to Anna and Hatchette Book Group for sponsoring this giveaway!

Winners of Beat the Reaper by Josh Bazell

Winners of Beat the Reaper by Josh Bazell

ozzie13326 - confirmed
adochains - confirmed
chrismejia - confirmed
ceciliah - confirmed
bekki1820cb - confirmed

Congratulations! I've emailed the winners and they have until noon on Wednesday to send me their mailing addresses. Thanks for participating!

Winners of Tall, Dark & Fangsome by Michelle Rowen

Winners of Tall, Dark & Fangsome by Michelle Rowen

gcwhiskas - confirmed
ruthann.francis - confirmed
kmkuka - confirmed
zenrei57 - confirmed
beapangilinan.0921 - confirmed

Congratulations! I've emailed the winners and they have until noon on Wednesday to send me their mailing addresses before I pick replacement winners. Thanks for participating!

Book Review: The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent

The Heretic's DaughterThe blurb:
In 1752, Sarah carrier Chapman, weak with infirmity, writes a letter to her granddaughter, revealing the secret she has closely guarded for six decades. . .

Her story begins more than a year before the Salem witch trials, when nine-year-old Sarah and her family arrive in a New England community already gripped by superstition and fear. As they witness neighbor pitted against neighbor, friend against friend, hysteria escalates - unitl more than two hundred men, women, and children have been swept into prison. Among them is Sarah's mother, Martha Carrier.

In an attempt to protect her children, Martha asks Sarah to commit an act of heresy - a lie that will most surely condemn Martha even as it saves her daughter.

The Heretic's Daughter draws you in to the world of colonial Massachusetts and makes that time come alive.

We learn of the events through the eyes of nine-year-old Sarah Carrier, sixty years after everything has happened. Sarah shares her thoughts and impressions without reservation, drawing our sympathy and curiosity as she describes the closeness that she feels towards her relatives in Billerica when she and her younger sister Hannah are fostered during their family's quarantine. Even as we are aware of Sarah's resentment towards her headstrong and independent mother, we come to respect Martha for her integrity and strength of spirit. Sarah's observations of her father Thomas Carrier and how he commands fear and respect even during the most dangerous times add to the mystery and power of the novel.

Without giving away much of the plot, The Heretic's Daughter takes us to the Salem Witch Trials - the meanness, superstition and hysteria that marked its beginning and the squalor and cruelty in the prisons. Through The Heretic's Daughter, Kathleen Kent shares the stories of her ancestors Martha, Thomas, and Sarah Carrier and their strength and integrity during one of the worst times in American history.

Publisher: Back Bay Books; Reprint edition (October 12, 2009) 368 pages.
Review copy provided by the publisher.

If you'd like to win a copy for yourself, join the contest for The Heretic's Daughter until 11/15.

Thanks so much to Valerie and Hatchette Book Group for the review opportunity!

Book Review of Run for Your Life by James Patterson and Michael Eldridge

Run for Your Life, is set in present day New York City and introduces Detective Michael Bennett of the NYPD Tactical Response Unit.
Run for Your Life (Michael Bennett)
The blurb:

Detective Michael Bennett - is he the next Alex Cross?

A killer passes judgment on New York. A calculating murderer who calls himself the Teacher is taking on New York City, slaying the powerful and the arrogant. His message to them is clear: Remember your manners or suffer the consequences! For some, it seems that the rich are finally getting what they deserve. For Gotham's elite, it is a call to terror.

One man struggles to save a city. There is only one man in the NYPD who can tackle this high-profile case: Detective Michael Bennett. For anyone else, the pressure would be overwhelming, but Mike is ready to step up--taking care of his ten children has prepared him for the job! With his hands already full, as his kids all come down with a virulent flu at once, he must now also face the challenge of tracking down the killer. As a secret pattern emerges in the Teacher's lessons, Detective Bennett has just a few precious hours to save New York from the greatest disaster in its history.

I very much enjoyed Run for Your Life. As all of Patterson's novels, it is fast-paced with continuous action and a sympathetic lead detective. I enjoyed Run for Your Life in part because it had less gore than most other thrillers and even the killer was unusually interesting. How can you not be drawn in by someone whose mission is to teach the wealthy and arrogant of NYC manners?

Plus, Run for Your Life introduces us to a fun new detective. I was drawn in by Detective Michael Bennett and the insight that comes from his role in NYPD Tactical Assistance Response Unit. The light hint of romance adds to Michael Bennett's charm.

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing; 1 edition (October 20, 2009), 416 pages.
Review copy provided by the publisher.

Does this sound like a book you'd like to read? Join the contest to win Run for Your Life at Starting Fresh. Contest ends on 11/15.

Thanks so much to Valerie and Hatchette Book Group for this review opportunity!