
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Book Review: The Law of Attraction: How to Get Your Man The Slam-Dunk Formula to Getting the Love of Your Life by Sally Huss

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Sally Huss's book first reads like the memoirs of a beautiful and talented tennis star discovering how exciting the world can be for a young woman open to romance and adventure. At fifteen, Sally was playing tennis and spending time with an equally young Ricky Nelson. Reading about her first love affair at Wimbeldon and the fun years while working for Samuel Goldwyn, Jr. at Goldwyn Studios, the anecdotes that Sally Huss recount remind me of the most glamorous aunt or family friend of my mother's generation.

A catalyst leads Sally to rethink her approach and her life. With meditation and greater self awareness, Sally comes up with her "letter to the Sun" in which she describes the traits and characteristics of the right man for her. Then Sally prepared to meet this man - by putting herself and her life in order - both on the surface and "inside her mind and heart". Sally has a clear sense of the life that she wants and is strong enough not to settle for men or situations while being open to opportunties until she does come across the right person and relationship. Not surprisingly, this right man falls deeply in love with Sally. With patience, strength and love Sally and her man, Marv, create a life together. It's over 35 years since her letter to the Sun and Sally's book is her way of sharing her story and secret.

The Law of Attraction: How to Get Your Man - The Slam-Dunk Formula to Getting the Love of Your Life is a short and enjoyable read. The secret that she shares reminds me of the advice that my grandmother, quite a famous beauty in her time, would give me and my cousins. Although the drawings and photos give the book a self-published feel, the book is self-published and as you read it, you realize that adds to its particular charm.

Publisher: Huss Publishing (March 19, 2009), 56 pages.
Courtesy of Bostick Communications.

About the Author, courtesy of the Author's website:

Sally Huss has been an artist all of her life. She was raised in Bakersfield, California where she took her first private oil painting lessons at the age of 10. She studied art at Occidental College, eventually graduating from the University of Southern California with a degree in Fine Arts.

At the same time Sally (Sally Moore) was developing her art skills, she was developing her tennis skills. She became National Junior Champion, a member of the U.S. Wightman Cup Team and a Wimbledon semi-finalist. As an accomplished tennis player Sally taught her special brand of Zen tennis to celebrity clients such as Barbra Streisand, Joel Grey, Jill St. John, Marilyn Bergman, Helen Reddy, Larry Hagman, Jack Jones, Milos Forman, among others. After playing the Virginia Slims Women's Tennis Tour against tennis greats such as Martina Navratilova and Chris Evert, Sally became the head rackets pro at The Aspen Club in Colorado. There she hosted visiting celebrities, including Clint Eastwood, Merv Griffin, Ingmar Johansson and Rod Laver.

In the 1980's with the help of her husband Marv, former head of advertising and promotion for Hallmark Cards, Sally returned to art and writing in a big way. Along with her own products -- her gift art and original paintings -- she branched out into licensing. Her designs and verse found their way into lines of greeting cards for American Greetings, plus collections of wallpaper, ceramics, mugs and even T-shirts. Now her art dances across thousands of products including clothing, purses, children's books and even baby bibs. Her paintings and gift art brighten walls and uplift hearts in homes, office buildings, restaurants and hotels everywhere. One piece even graced the walls of the White House.

Today Sally Huss is considered one of the leading artists/designers in the country, in many cases combining her writing with her art. This has resulted in a number of books for children and The Happy Book published by Ten Speed Press. Her most recent book, The Law of Attraction: HOW TO GET YOUR MAN -- The Slam-Dunk Formula to Getting the Love of Your Life, is taking off in popularity as people recognize the wisdom it reveals in the light-hearted manner that it is presented.

Visit Sally Huss's website to learn more about her life, art, and books.

Thank you to Bostick Communications and Sally Huss for this opportunity!

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