
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Book Giveaway: Mr. Darcy, Vampyre by Amanda Grange

Mr. Darcy, Vampyre

Danielle and Sourcebooks are sponsoring a giveaway of ONE copy of Mr. Darcy, Vampyre by Amanda Grange.


Please tell us your favorite romantic character in a novel and what you like about him or her. Please include your email address so I can get in touch with you if you win. Limited to U.S. and Canada only. Contest ends at 5 pm on August 31, 2009.


  1. My favorite romantic character is probably Dracula. He's just so misunderstood sometimes. I guess we all think he's the villain in the books, but really he just wants to be loved like any other human being.

    Please count me in.

    cindyc725 at gmail dot com

  2. I think Ranger, in the Stephanie Plum Series. He's kind of scary, but with a softness that shows up loud and clear. Dark, mysterious, loaded...what more could you ask for?

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  3. My all time fav is Rhett Butler with all that charm.


  4. Rhett Butler in Gone With the Wind - also very misunderstood, charming, handsome, all around perfect character!

  5. My favorite romantic character would have to be Henry DeTamble from the Time Travellers Wife...I found his life was so tragic and yet full of love.

    Thanks for the great giveaway,

  6. My favorite romantic character? Wow, I'm not really even sure...I guess maybe Gabriel from the book Nice Girl's Don't Have Fangs. I'm not entirely sure what's up with him but I can't stop from swooning for now.

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  7. My favorite romantic character is Mr. Darcy. He's so sullen and gruff at first, but turns out to be such a reliable guy who was just so in love in the end. He must have been the mold from whence all romance heroes were created since then!

    margaret dot uy at gmail dot com

  8. My favourite is Oliver Barrett IV (played by Ryan O'Neal) in Love Story because he's managed to stay stuck in my mind over all these years.
    Please enter my name in your draw. Thanks.
    wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

  9. Valek from Poison Study. He's an artistic assassin. How can I say no to that? And he's snarky. and deadly. and likes sharp things. and bossing people around. Seriously I couldn't say no if I tried.

  10. Mary D
    zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

    Ever since I was just 14, my favorite romantic character in a book has always been the brooding, dark Heathcliff of Wuthering Heights. Even though he wasn't a complete sweetheart by any means, you knew the struggle of his early years coupled with the treatment given him by the immature heroine, Cathy, made him what he was. OMG - he's my darlin' LOL

  11. Not very original, but gonna have to go with Edward from Twilight:-)


  12. Being a big fan of The Princess Bride (the book as well as the movie), I've always loved Wesley...eyes like the sea before a storm (from the book...after from the movie. I always thought the description in the book sounded better.) So faithful, so determined to work and do anything required to get to be with his true love.

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    ruthann (dot) francis (at) gmail (dot) com

  13. I'd love to be entered, this book sounds great! My favorite romantic character, hmmm...normally, I would say Mr. Darcy because he's so brooding, yet so misunderstood but I feel like that is too easy for this contest! Yet I can't think of anyone else, so that's what I'm going to go with. Thanks!

    skrishna [at] skrishnasbooks [dot] com

  14. Bones in the Jeannie Frost series. He's so alpha yet sensitive.

    wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com

  15. I think my favorite is from the first romance I read. It is Shanna from the book of the same name by Kathleen Woodiwiss. She's got spunk and compassion.

    nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

  16. Mr. Darcy is my fave because he is brooding and handsome
    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  17. This is a hard one because I don't read much romance. I'm going to agree with Rue though, Wesley from the Princess Bride is swoonworthy. As is Mr. Darcy.

    ~ Popin

  18. Mr. Darcy was the first that came time, but I feel like a flake with that answer. I'll go with Oliver Ward from Angle of Repose. He's just so real.

    s.mickelson at gmail dot com

  19. I absolutley love the Angel Juan from the witch baby books, he's such a great amazing character and someone i would love to
    wheresmyrain AT yahoo DOT com

  20. My fav has to be Rhett Butler. But I liked him even more in Rhett Bulters People. I like him because he is so vulnerable.

  21. After just finishing the Sookie Stackhouse novels , I am in love with Eric. He and Sookie have so much chemistry and he really seems to understand and care for her.

  22. Rhett Butler-who can resist him

    chocolateandcroissants at yahoo dot com

  23. This is a hard one because we all define "romantic" differently, yes? My choice is probably a bit odd... but I am going to define "romantic charater" as someone who evokes a lot of emotion for/in me -- and that would be: Atticus Finch (from Harper Lee's, "To Kill A Mockingbird"). He's so admirable and represents qualities that I think we should all strive to embody.


  24. A sucker for the occasional sappy romance, Henry DeTamble and Edward Cullen. Something about a romance overcoming supernatural boundaries just takes me away :)


  25. I pick Lestat from Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. He embraces his vampirism and uses it for good. Plus he has a sense of humor and isn't the typical tortured, brooding vampire that seems to be so popular these days.


  26. For classic works - Mr Darcy.
    For modern works - Roarke in the In Death series.

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  27. I've always really liked Mr. Darcy because he's a challenge :-) Maybe for the same reason I liked Rhett Butler too!

  28. I like Adrian from Vampire Academy. He has a bad reputation both in society, habits and abilities, but he’s just misunderstood. Gossip has gotten around and those around him are frightened to get to know him. I think he’s truly romantic, diligent, sympathetic, snarky and patient. The dreams he creates for Rose are breathtakingly beautiful in both scenery and in his efforts to court her.

  29. I have always loved Westley from "The Princess Bride." Steadfast, noble and dependable. you wish...


  30. I agree that I love Henry Detamble.


  31. My favorite romantic character is Conrad Wroth, from Kresley Cole's series. I love all of her books, but he's my favorite - he's strong, but somewhat self-loathing, and he needs to love and be loved.

    inbedwithbooks AT yahoo DOT com

  32. well my favorite character depends a lot on mood or what book I am reading LOL. I love series books so right now I will go with Eric from the Sookie Stackhouse books. What's not to like about the sexy, pragmatic viking - yikes, yahoo, yum LOL.

    budletsmom at yahoo dot com

  33. It's a tie between Rhett Butler, who I fell in love with at the age of ten, and the more recent discovery of Heathcliff, who reminds me of a bipolar ex-boyfriend that I simply can't get over partly because he had the hottest long curly brown hair :)


  34. mmmmm my favorite romantic character in a novel is Stephan from the vampire diaries by l.j. smith. He is so romantic, handsome(in my visual picture)and the dark side that stirs inside of him is sexy! i love the connection he has with elena(soulmates indeed)mmm the ability to read each others minds intrigues me alot...the book series made me cry >.> lol anyhow enter me plz


  35. Actually Mister Darcy is one of my favorite heroes :). I like his worldliness and his arrogant attitude that is a cover up for his shyness (atleast, that's how I percieve him).

    Pam S

  36. Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby. He was very mysterious.

  37. I am a new follower.

  38. I can't lie. I'm in love with Mr. Darcy. I think it's because of the change he undergoes. He's always a good man, but he has his flaws, and when he sees what they've cost him and that they may have caused him to hurt someone he loves, he struggles to overcome them, and that's admirable (and romantic. Sometimes, I'm such a sap)

    ~Misty (

  39. Rhett Butler with all his strength of character, sense of humor, and gentlemanly attraction! aitmama {at} gmail{dot} com

  40. My fav character is Edward. He is so strong and mysterious. Not very original but still he's my fav.
