
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Book Blog Tour of Hot and Irresistible by Dianne Castell

Welcome to the Book Blog Tour of Hot and Irresistible by Dianne Castell organized by Dorothy and Pump Up Your Book Promotion.

Hot and Irresistible

The blurb:
In a city of history, mystery, and more than a few ghosts, four best friends who have never fit in anywhere except with each other are about to get close - and closer still - to four sexy bachelors with some very alluring secrets...Bebe Fitzpatrick's hard upbringing taught her how to take care of herself, how to tell true friends from false, and how to be a good cop. She can also sweet-talk a man like she means it...until she stumbles into the arms of a damn sexy Yankee who's gunning for Savannah's favorite shady entrepreneur...As far as Donovan McCabe is concerned, the main obstacle to his investigation is the one thing he can't help wanting in his way. Bebe's smart, sassy, and utterly oblivious to her own appeal. Add the fact that a Boston cop trying to arrest one of Savannah's best-loved citizens is about as popular as the reincarnation of General Grant. What Donovan needs is a better game plan. What he's about to get is southern "hospitality" that'll make his toes curl...

Hot and Irresistible mixes the danger and mystery of an unsolved murder and a missing heirloom diamond necklace with spicy romance. Four mysterious adoptions, gambling casinos, boats, a squeaky clean judge, a missing baby, suspicious deaths, and packed with action, Hot and Irresistible is a fun escape.

Publisher: Brava (October 27, 2009), 352 pages.
Review copy provided by Pump Up Your Book Tour.

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Thank you so much to Dianne Castell, Dorothy and Pump Up Your Book Promotion Tour for this opportunity!

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