Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Book Review of Supreme Courtship by Christopher Buckley

Supreme Courtship
The blurb:
U.S. President Vanderdamp is so angry at the Senate for rejecting his Supreme Court nominees that his next choice is a doozy: Judge Pepper Cartwright, star of the most popular reality show on TV, Courtroom Six.
Will Pepper, a vivacious Texan, survive her confirmation battle? Will it ruin her love life? And if she serves on the Court, how will she get along with her eight highly skeptical colleagues, including the Chief Justice who legalizes gay marriage only to lose his wife to another woman? Stay tuned. . .for a heady constitutional crisis, a reelection campaign the President wants to lose, and oral arguments of a very romantic nature.

Fast paced and witty, Supreme Courtship lampoons the politicized Supreme Court confirmation process and grandstanding Senators. Not surprisingly, the most sympathetic characters in this political novel the less ambitious ones: Pepper Cartwright, President Vanderdamp, and presidential advisor Graydon Clenndennynn. Full of absurd situations, Supreme Courtship is an unexpectedly fun and accessible read.

Publisher: Twelve; 1 edition (September 7, 2009), 304 pages.
Review copy provided by the publisher.

About the Author, courtesy of Amazon:
Christopher Buckley is the author of fourteen books, including "Supreme Courtship," "Boomsday," and "Thank You For Smoking." He is editor-at-large of "ForbesLife" magazine, and was awarded the Thurber Prize for American Humor and the Washington Irving Medal for Literary Excellence. He lives on the Acela train between Washington, D.C. and New York City.

Thanks so much to Valerie and Hatchette Book Group for this review opportunity!

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