Monday, November 15, 2010

Jill Mansell's Take a Chance on Me

If you're looking for a fun chicklit escape, I recommend Jill Mansell's latest book,Take a Chance on Me.

Take a Chance on Me

The blurb:
Even in a small town the drama is larger than life. . . Living in the small town of Channings Hill, Cleo has grown used to the fact that there are some people you just can't avoid, no matter how much you really, really want to.

When her job throws her into constant contact with her childhood nemesis Johnny LaVenture, she's perfectly content to leave the past behind.  But for someone she'd rather have nothing to do with, Johnny is getting harder and harder to ignore. . . .

In Take a Chance on Me, Jill Mansell delivers another fun chicklit escape. She gives us heroines that we can't help but like - they're funny, a bit lost, kind - and secondary characters that make us laugh.  Cleo, the romantic lead,  her married sister Abbie and even Cleo's rival Fia are so likable that you wish you knew them in real life.   Then there's Ash, the hilarious and witty DJ who is actually quite shy around women that he fancies. 

Mansell combines complex and interesting characters with all sorts of funny situations and coincidences to give us a treat of a novel in Take a Chance on Me.

ISBN-10: 1402237510 - Paperback $14.00
Publisher: Sourcebooks Landmark (October 1, 2010), 432 pages.
Review copy provided by the publisher.

About the Author:
Jill Mansell lives with her partner and children in Bristol and writes full time.  Actually, that's not true; she watches TV, eats gum drops, admires the rugby players training in the sports field behind her house, and spends hours on the Internet marveling at how many other writers have blogs.  Only when she's completely run out of ways to procrastinate does she write.

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