The blurb:
Kate Bergeron is the beautiful and mysterious former mistress of a cloth merchant. . .and the latest beauty to capture the interest of the Prince of Wales. Mired in a disastrous divorce, the Prince attempts to distract attention from his next amorous pursuit by ordering Grayson Christopher, the eligible Duke of Darlington, to pretend to London society that he is having an affair with Kate. When Grayson reluctantly agrees to his Prince's demand, he finds the lady no more willing than he is. Kate will grudgingly act the part in public, but her favors are not for sale to any man. As Grayson and Kate mimic ardor for the world to see, they find what started as a deception becoming all too real. And when passion flames into love, their predicament becomes extreme. For while marriage between a duke and a courtesan could never happen, Kate knows in her heart that she is willing to accept nothing less. . . .
A Courtesan's Scandal is a fun, lighthearted romance with almost old fashioned leading characters.
Julia London sets up the conflict beautifully. While the attraction between Kate Bergerson and Grayson Christopher, the Duke of Darlington, is clear from the start, they come into the situation with their own prejudices. It's these prejudices that slow down the romance and make the book enjoyable. We gradually learn that Kate Bergenson has come from the lowest possible background and has a horrible past and yet she somehow remains untouched by it. In fact, Kate is so generous that she comes across as a bit of a soft touch. It's easy to sympathize with Darlington when he suspects the worst of her - he is forced into the pretense and expected that she was a willing party. The story picks up when Darlington slowly comes to learn more about Kate Bergenson and treat her with respect. Julia London is masterful in her build up of the characters and increasing the tension in the plot.
If you are looking for a fun regency romance with an old fashioned sensibility, you are sure to enjoy A Courtesan's Scandal.
Publisher: Pocket (October 20, 2009), 384 pages.
Review copy provided by the publisher.
About the Author, courtesy of her website:
Julia London is the New York Times and USA Today best selling author of more than a twenty romantic fiction novels. She is the author of the popular Desperate Debutante and Scandalous historical romance series, as well as several contemporary romances, including American Diva, the very popular tie-in novel to the daytime drama, Guiding Light: Jonathan’s Story, and the upcoming Summer of Two Wishes
Julia is the recipient of the RT Bookclub Award for Best Historical Romance and a four-time finalist for the prestigious RITA award for excellence in romantic fiction. She lives in Round Rock, Texas, with her husband. To keep up with all the Julia London news and excerpts, please visit
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Thanks so much to Sarah and Pocket Books for this review opportunity!
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