Wednesday, May 13, 2009

J.Kaye's Book Blog

I just wanted to share something else that is making my week!

J. Kaye's Book Blog listed me in "This Week's Top Contributors". I kept visiting her blog to read the reviews and join the contests. I really liked it, so I signed up to be a follower and receive updates by email but hadn't realized that she'd noticed.

Check out her blog here.

I'm pretty new to the world of book blogs, as my husband can attest. I'd discovered it through a post by a fellow B&N First Look Book Club member, Jennifer with the blog Just Jennifer Reading. Her suggested sites and link to the post by Presenting Leonore that led me to this exciting new world of book blogs.

So, thank you Jennifer and Leonore for the start. And thank you so much to J. Kaye for the welcome into this world!! And again to Becky from One Literature Nut for the award she gave to Starting Fresh this last Monday. People here are so kind and generous!


  1. Hi,

    This is Jennifer from B&N and Goodreads. I just added myself as a follower. I've also posted a link to my blog below.

    I look forward to seeing what you're reading :-)

  2. Hi Gaby, I don't know of a book blogger who doesn't love J Kaye! It's also nice to be acknowledged.
