Friday, June 25, 2010

June Hatchette Giveaway Winners

Congratulations! I've notified the winners and they have until Monday evening to send me their mailing addresses. Thank you again to Anna and Hatchette Book Group for generously sponsoring these giveaways!

Babushka's Beauty Secrets: Old World Tips for a Glamorous New You Ravished by a Highlander The Language God Talks: On Science and Religion

by Raya Ruder and Susan Campos

littleone -confirmed
cenya2- confirmed
HilLesha - confirmed

jellybelly82158- confirmed
tiredwkids- confirmed
hawaiismn - confirmed
castings- confirmed

womackcm - confirmed
hillary26 - confirmed
unknownkreature - confirmed


  1. Congratulations to all the winners.

    Joi and Marjorie

  2. Thanks so much! I emailed you back. I cannot wait to get the audio book! :o)

  3. Congratulations to all the winners.

    Joi and Marjorie
